Contacts Pomorie, Burgas region, Bulgaria
Тел: +359 888 227044

Store house
Gaberovo village,
6, Kamchia Str

Sevastianov Vine Nursery is a family managed company situated in Pomorie, famous wine region on the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria.

We provide high-quality certified vine planting material of wine and table grape varieties. We offer also rootstock of very high quality.

Sevastianov Vine Nursery is main supplier for wineries, large vineyards and home growners.

Plevenski Favorit

Table grapes (candidate), resulting in the Instituteviticulture and winemaking, g . Pleven, Bulgaria, in the crossing NE 12 - 375 x Misket Pleven . In the conditions g . Pleven ripens in late August . The average yield of 122 kg / ha . Sugar juice of berries 18 - 19 g / 100 cm3, titratable acidity 6 - 6.5 g / dm3 Tasting of fresh grapes score 8.5 points (on ten-point scale) . Resistance to mildew and mildew increased, freezeproof to -23 ° C.

The vines are resistant to low temperatures and diseases.
Plevenski Favorit