Vine planting material, Technology
In view of healing the domestic market and removing obstacles in front of free trade of vine planting material in European Community is necessary to enter and comply determined conditions for sale the material produced in accordance with new manufacturing technologies. For this purpose, the board of European Community issued directive 68/193 changed with directive 2002/11 from 14.02.2002 wherein are exposed the conditions and order for production and trade with certified vine planting material.
The goal of this directive is to guarantee quality of planting material in the countries from European Community after dropping out the borders. Each country member of European Community has to make catalogue of the varieties which are allowed for certification and control of standard reproductive material of its own territory. In this catalogue are determined basic morphological and
physiological characteristics which allow to distinguish particular varieties. Each country is obliged to prepare if necessary list with clones which are officially admitted for certifying.
To ensure appropriate control during movement of vine planting material, all countries member of European Community have to issue accompanying documents for every consignment.
In 1999 was placed the beginning of system for certifying vine planting material
with the project ” Encouragement of fruit growing and viticulture in Bulgaria”.
Agricultural manufacturer Dimitar Sevastiyanov produces and sells rootstocks. In
2000 the company creates its own uterine base with basic and certified rootstocks / SO4
clone 102 and clone 762, 41B clone 153, Kobber 5BB clone AV1, 1103 Paulsen clone
768 / which plantations reach 300 acres.