Contacts Pomorie, Burgas region, Bulgaria
Тел: +359 888 227044

Store house
Gaberovo village,
6, Kamchia Str

Sevastianov Vine Nursery is a family managed company situated in Pomorie, famous wine region on the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria.

We provide high-quality certified vine planting material of wine and table grape varieties. We offer also rootstock of very high quality.

Sevastianov Vine Nursery is main supplier for wineries, large vineyards and home growners.


New seedless grape breeding French . One of the two official seedless varieties permitted in France, registered in the catalog in 1990 . Middle ripening . The clusters are large, weighing 600 - 800 g . Berries oval, white, rudiments are very small, almost no flesh is crunchy . Weight Berries 3.5 - 4 g, without the use of gibberellin . The yield is high, with good care of more than 150 kg / ha . Resistance to fungal diseases of grapes Danuta usual for the Eurasian grape varieties .